


Who are the people? At the present stage inChina, they are the working class, the peasantry, the urban petty bourgeoisieand the national bourgeoisie. These classes, led by the working class and theCommunist Party, unite from their own state and elect their own government; they enforce their dictatorship over the running dogs of imperialism, suppressthem, allow them only to behave themselves and not to be unruly in word ordeed. If they speak or act in an unruly way, they will be promptly stopped and punished. Democracy is practiced within the ranks of the people, who enjoy therights of freedom of speech, assembly, association and so on. The right to votebelongs only to the people, not to the reactionaries. The combination of thesetwo aspects, democracy for the people and dictatorship over the reactionaries,is the people’s democratic dictatorship.


The people’s state protects the people. Only when the people have such a state can they educate and remould themselves by democratic methods on a country-wide scale, with everyone taking part, and shake off the influence of domestic and foreign reactionaries (which is still very strong, will survive for a long time and cannot be quickly destroyed), rid themselves of the bad habits and ideas acquired in the old society, not allow themselves to be led astray by the reactionaries, and continue to advance towards a socialist and communist society.


The serious problem is the edu-cation of the peasantry. The peasant economy is scattered, and the sociali-zation of agriculture, judging by the Soviet Union’s experience, will require along time and painstaking work. Without socialization of agriculture, there can be no complete, consolidated socialism. The steps to socialize agriculture must be coordinated with the development of a power industry having state enterprise as its backbone. The state of the people’s democratic dictatorship must systematically solve the problems of industrialization.


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